Saturday, July 10, 2010

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Butterfly Marketing - A Promising Solution For Your Traffic Needs

There exists the idea in meteorology that the flapping of a butterfly's wing in a given place will create a disturbance that with time and the contribution of the chaotic motion of the atmosphere will become amplified eventually and will be reflected in a large scale change in atmospheric motions. For example, the flapping of a butterfly in Paraguay would become, after some time, the cause of a huge tornado in Kansas.

The main concept behind the butterfly effect is how a relatively small action can become amplified after a short time into a huge effect hard to imagine if we didn't know about the characteristics of this interesting phenomenon.

In the world of internet
this concept can be very powerful. Just imagine if you could put into motion just a few small marketing actions and that after this, in just a few weeks, this small actions delivered an unstoppable flood of traffic and sales with no easy way to stop it. And considering you could do this as many times as you wished this could be practically an unstoppable source of traffic for your website.

There are many great things that could happen to you and your business if you could learn how to put the Butterfly Effect to work for your marketing. For example you could build a huge opt in list in record time, you could launch a new membership website and get 5000 members in a few days, you could automate your internet business and gain lots of free time to do other things that interest you and not just stay searching for traffic for your website the whole day.

There is no doubt the concept of Butterfly Marketing is a powerful one and could make awesome things for your business and increase your sales from the low levels it may have now to the high and profitable levels you have been wishing for a long time.

Newton And Butterfly Marketing - Astonishing Facts About Web Traffic - What Did He Know?

You would not be reading this if you were not looking for more traffic to your website. And you have come to the right place! In this article you will explore why butterfly marketing is the most effective and efficient way to generate traffic to a website.

As we all know by now:

This type of internet marketing is based on the butterfly theory which states that a small change in an environment can have dramatic consequences in an environment far away. Well, butterfly marketing is so effective because of the following four different reasons:

Reason number 1 - And we welcome Isaac Newton.

  • The fact that it carries a strong viral element in itself is definitely the first reason why butterfly marketing is so successful. Newton his third law: "Every action causes an equal reaction" meets his first law: "Unless an outside force acts upon it" and these laws are the fundamental principles behind this successful internet marketing concept.

So, what does that mean in marketing terms?

An entrepreneur sent out an e-mail to his prospects. The action is set in motion. Prospects will hopefully react upon that email and either go to our website, buy a product or change their opinion on something.

However, most people usually act resistant to anything new. Them acting resistant is the first law in action. You see, with resistance available, any forward movement will eventually stop. In our case, the email campaign eventually dies.

However, the entrepreneur is also an "outside force" with influence on the process of forward motion (the e-mail that was sent out and need to bring in visitors, revenue, a changed opinion or whatever the goal was)

Reason number 2 - Control is the motto

  • Marketing campaigns build around the butterfly marketing principle can be set up very controlled. The resistance of prospects can be influenced based on the second law of Newton: "A body will accelerate with acceleration proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass".

Back to the corporate floor:

The entrepreneur has control over the second law of Newton (acceleration of the body) and implementing this law is his big help to activate his part of the "outside force".

Note: Implementation happens when the entrepreneur offers prospects incentives to start acting upon his e-mail.

These incentives are also "outside forces" who compete with the resistant "outside forces" of the prospects. If the incentives are strong enough, they overrule the resistance levels of the prospects, turning the campaign viral.

Reason number 3 - Bring along those internet marketing tools!

Reason number three has every thing to do with the current state of development in the information technology. Check this out:

  • Whether we like it or not, our world has become very much information and technology driven. And therefore our society has changed a bit over the past twenty years.
  • People communicate different, we use MSN, Facebook and mobile phones. We have changed our decision making process, we use the internet (and Google) to find information, we are able to make much more precise decisions.
  • Butterfly Marketing has taken these changes into account and this type of marketing is build on information technology. The internet marketing tools are superb these days.

Reason number 4 - Conclusion:

The last reason is pretty much a summary of the entire package and is actually pretty obvious.

  • Therefore the last reason why this form of marketing has proven to be so popular is the simple fact that it works! That is why its so popular. "Never change a winning team" is a famous adagio, probably only overruled in our case by "if you cannot beat them, join them!"